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A Time I Showed Leadership

As the newly elected captain of my high school swim team, I understood the challenge that laid before me. Being the leader of a small mens team that had not seen success in a long time was no small task. Our school had recently moved up divisions so the level of competition had increased exponentially. The team had talent yet I knew I would have to motivate and ensure that everyone competed to their best ability to have have any chance of winning. At our regional championship, I saw the fruit of my labor in every single practice when our undersized team was able to take home first place. Every single swimmer went a personal record and I felt the true strength of leadership as everyone rallied together to achieve that amazing feat.

A Time I Gave A Presentation

During the summer of 2022, I attended a business immersion trip in Israel with a group of students I had little to no previous interaction with. I had never been outside North America until that trip and naturally I felt unconfident in my situation. However, the first week of lecture we gave a presentation on an Israeli based company. I originally was just going to talk about a generic drug company founded in Israel ,but instead I took the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone. I turned the presentation into a personal recount of mental health struggles to provide support and advice to those that might have also felt that way on the trip. Talking about a topic like that in front of strangers is difficult yet I have always believed that stories and information such as that can provide so much value in the world. Therefore I always try to present my ideas, experiences, and beliefs for the benefit of others.

A Time I Persuaded Someone To See My POV

I have had multiple experiences with minor/major debates with individuals on topics ranging from casual disagreements to serious social issues. However the unifying thing I learned from all these discussions is that no matter how strongly you believe in your view the best thing you can do in these situations is listen to the other side. People will subconsciously listen to you if you listen to them as well. There have been many occasions where a conversation has changed my view and the view of the person I was talking too. I found compromise and was able to hold less extreme or "partially blind" views. Our society is full of countless experiences and by taking the time to hear the views of as many people as possible, I believe I can become a more informed person in every facet of my life. 

A Time I Had A Conflict

Every conflict in my life has given me a stronger ability to make tough decisions and strengthen my resilience as a person. Conflicts with toxic friendships, hostile environments, and personal struggles have been present for a majority of my life. I remember specifically making the decision to leave my club swim team ,a sport I had loved since I was ten years old, to escape the hostile team culture that was harming me mentally. That decision was not easy and for a long time I questioned if it was the wrong one. Yet as I moved on from that experience I realized that sometimes these tough decisions can lead to better outcomes even if in the moment they are hard to make.

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